The Command Institute at EMAC International has developed the vitally important and acclaimed First-Due Series of specialized courses. The series addresses the fundamental and crucial strategic and tactical operations for First-Due company arrival and deployments. These courses focus on establishing objectives and considerations that affect first arriving companies for emergency incidents. They will explore the required “street smart” understanding built upon years of street level emergency incident responses and the experience gained from those engagements. First-Due reinforces the need for recognition-primed decision-making (RPD), effective action plan development, and response company implementation.
These essential courses are designed for firefighters, company officers, incident commanders and command teams. Participants will reinforce their skills on basic strategic and tactical deployment. And they will be able to expand street level company and command officer proficiencies. They will learn how to integrate RPD skills with strategic and tactical objectives to develop concise incident action plans.
The series breaks down the Incident Action Plan into its elements of emergency scene dynamics, priorities, safety and the interaction of primary and support resources. Participants will use case studies to examine intrinsic incident factors and universal incident management strategic and tactical protocols that form the constants in emergency incident engagement. drugrevenue.com
The First-Due Series addresses the need for effective size-up skills using RPD and effective and achievable Incident Action Plans (IAP). These are challenges that face all agencies and organizations based upon the frequency, magnitude and severity of initiation incident events.
The First-Due Series courses can be adapted to address pertinent local and regional issues for participants. These can range from anything affecting agency specific tactical operations, protocols and standard operating procedures, deployment and response factors, and command and safety considerations.
They can also focus on specific gap issues identified within your jurisdiction. Program length can vary and can be developed based upon client needs and specifications. These programs can be offered as short version presentations and presented in conjunction with REACT™ tabletop command simulator boards to bridge classroom concepts with hands-on simulation training opportunities for skill development.

FD 100 - First-Due Command: Building Construction Factors for Fire Fighter Safety and Survival
Combat structural fire suppression operations require decisive skills and knowledge in assessing buildings and occupancies. Those responding need a solid understanding of inherent collapse potential, fire behavior and fire spread considerations. They also need command decision-making to assure appropriate strategic incident plans are initiated. This program will examine crucial first-due command risk assessment factors and resource management to increase firefighter survivability under combat structural operations. Participants will learn how to develop mission critical objectives, risk profiles and Incident Action Plans. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 101 - First-Due Engine Company Operations
Participants will explore a wide variety of emergency incident responses involving Engine Company operations. They will assess the incidents using recognition-primed decision-making (RPD), size-up, risk priorities, Incident Action Plan implementation and mission critical assignment functions. Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 102 - First-Due Truck Company Operations
Participants will explore a wide variety of emergency incident responses involving Truck Company operations. They will assess the incidents using recognition-primed decision-making (RPD), size-up, risk priorities, Incident Action Plan implementation and mission critical assignment functions. Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 103 - First-Due Rescue Company Operations
Participants will explore a wide variety of emergency incident responses involving Rescue Company operations. They will assess the incidents using recognition-primed decision-making (RPD), size-up, risk priorities, Incident Action Plan implementation and mission critical assignment functions. Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 104 - First-Due Command Incident Action Planning
Participants will explore a wide variety of emergency incident responses involving the Incident Commander or Incident Command Action Teams. They will assess incidents using recognition-primed decision-making (RPD), size-up, risk priorities, Incident Action Plan implementation and mission critical assignment functions. Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 105 - First-Due Considerations for Mass Casualty Incidents
Mass Casualty Incidents call for an in-depth understanding of the development of an Incident Action Plan (IAP). Incident Commanders and Incident Command Action Teams will be presented with a wide variety of Mass Casualty Incident scenarios. They will learn how to develop an IAP taking into consideration emergency operations, size-up, risk priorities and recognition-primed decision-making (RPD) during a mass casualty event. Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 106 - First-Due Considerations for EMS Command
This course targets the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Incident Commander and members of the EMS Incident Command Action Team. They will learn mission critical assignment functions specific to EMS incidents. The course will emphasize the development of the Incident Action Plan (IAP). Participants will review elements of an effective IAP by assessing emergency operations, recognition-primed decision-making (RPD), size-up and risk priorities for EMS incidents. Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 107 - First-Due Considerations for the Safety Officer
The First-Due Safety Officer has a significant impact and influence on the emergency scene. This course will review the Safety Officer’s duties and functions and how those integrate with the Incident Action Plan (IAP). Participants will be exposed to a variety of emergency incident scenarios. They will evaluate the incidents using emergency operations assessment, recognition-primed decision-making (RPD), size-up and risk priorities. Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 108 - First-Due Considerations for Technical Rescue Incidents
This course reviews the procedures for assessing a Technical Rescue Incident. First-Due arrivals must evaluate the safety precautions, technical rescue risk profiles, incident management considerations and resource elements at a Technical Rescue Incident. Participants will practice using recognition-primed decision-making and size-up as they develop and implement an Incident Action Plan (IAP). Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 109 - First-Due Considerations for Collapse Rescue Incidents
This course reviews the assessment procedures that take place during a Collapse Rescue Incident. First-due arrivals must consider safety precautions, phases of collapse, risk profiles, and other tactical factors. Participants will examine critical assignment functions for Emergency Collapse Rescue Operations using recognition-primed decision-making, size-up, and integrated collapse-rescue risk priorities. They will learn how to develop and implement an Incident Action Plan (IAP). Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 110 - First-Due Considerations for Disaster Incidents
The class is designed for the Disaster Incident Commander and Incident Command Action Teams at disaster incidents. They will review a wide variety of emergency disaster incident responses and community level resource deployments. EOC Command operations specific to the EOC/EOF are examined with the emphasis on Incident Action Plan development. Participants will learn how to assess Emergency Disaster Incident Operations using recognition-primed decision-making, size-up and integrated disaster risk priorities. Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 111 - First-Due Considerations for Potential Terrorism Incidents
This class uses postulated terrorism incident responses for review by Terrorism Incident Commanders and Incident Command Action Teams. They will learn how to assess the severity and magnitude of a Potential Terrorism Incident and how to coordinate all agencies that respond. They will assess the incident using recognition-primed decision-making (RPD), size-up and integrated multi-agency incident risk priorities. All these factors will be considered as they develop and implement an Incident Action Plan (IAP). Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
FD 112 - First-Due Recognition-Primed Decision-Making for Commanders
This class is designed for the Incident Commander and Incident Command Action teams. They will learn the steps used in Recognition-Primed Decision-Making (RPD). They will practice using RPD to analyze a variety of emergency incident responses. They will also use size-up and risk priorities to develop and implement an Incident Action Plan. Case studies and interactive activities are incorporated within the course. The First-Due series incorporates the most current NIMS command management protocols and organization.
To schedule or inquire about a course, please contact us.