U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency

Resource: Engineering Services
Category: Public Works and Engineering (ESF #3)
Kind: Services
Minimum Capabilities (Component) Minimum Capabilities
Type I Type II Type III Type IV Other
Damage Assessment Capability  

Ability to determine the safety of buildings for occupancy purposes per the Applied Technology Council ATC-20 criteria; Ability to evaluate buildings using the ATC-20 Rapid Evaluation Safety Assessment Form; Ability to evaluate buildings using the ATC-20 Detailed Evaluation Safety Assessment Form; Ability to support the need for an owner-provided Engineering Evaluation; Ability to evaluate safety of transportation structures per Federal Highway Administration Damage Assessment procedures and forms; Ability to evaluate damage for Stafford Act cost recovery purposes canadadrugstop.com

Damage Assessment Capability


Ability to support USAR teams, debris management, HazMat evaluation, traffic management, utility restoration, and water and wastewater quality evaluations



Training   Knowledge of the ATC-20 criteria, Stafford Act cost recovery procedures, and Federal Highway Damage Assessment procedures; Extensive backgrounds in chemical, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering, as appropriate Training      


Engineering services encompass small firms to large national firms, and private to government-managed offices. Personnel must be certified and capable of handling assigned tasks, proven successes, and licensed, must have worked with public sector, and must be familiar with the Stafford Act, the Federal Highway Administration, and other Federal, State, Territorial, Tribal, and local agencies (and familiar with their requirements) for recording purposes. Engineering Services is one type based on the need to create the necessary engineering services based on “Incident-Specifics.” The makeup of the engineering services will be based on the discipline specialization of the disaster.

National Mutual Aid & Resource Management Initiative
Public Works